So the final decision, as you have probably guessed was to halt the online store, for now anyway. We decided we should be focusing on the shop and tap room and build up their reputations, instead of spreading ourselves too thin and trying to do all three. Not to worry though, we still can ship beer to yourselves or someone else, just come down to the shop or ring us and pick out what you want to get shipped and we'll sort it out. Also closer to Christmas time we will be putting gifts sets, beer hampers and lots others on the site for you to buy. This is by no means the end of the online shop, once we get more established and are able to buy a separate unit to run everything out of, we'll be back, BIGGER than ever.
- Craig
1 comment
UqVlee2Hy0mrO3q UqVlee2Hy0mrO3q
Good hosting for just $10/year or VPS for six bucks a month.